Sunday, 3 November 2013

EDET - Assure Model

Hallo all

Yes, that word isn't really hello, but I find myself saying it. Anywho the Assure Model. It is interesting to learn that there's a process a teach has to go through to make sure her work would come across the students effectively. I've never taught before so this was actually new to me. The Assure Model is something a teach can use to create a lesson plan. She can even make sure that what she is teaching and how she is teaching is sufficient and effective to those she is teaching. I think it would make sense to plan a lesson because it would cause chaos otherwise and the students wouldn't have learned anything. So many things that could go wrong without properly planning a lesson, for example:

  1. You might run out of the time that you were supposed to teach a lesson and students wouldn't have learned much.
  2. The activities you might have decided to use to teach the students with might either be too challenging or not challenging enough depending on who is being taught.
  3. The method that was used to teach the students might not have attracted their attention and they probably didn't understand the lesson.
The list could go on.

I do plan on using the Assure Model to help me with lesson planning, it seems beneficial and very convenient.

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