G'day all!
Looks like my EDET class is coming to a close but I have just one more thing to share. This week I learned about the Excel Spreadsheet and Microsoft word. I knew about it before, I used them. Well, excel, not so much because I didn't see there was any use for it. But during this week I realized there were a lot of ways it could be used in the classroom for any subject.
It is said that Educational Technology is there to make work easier, right? Well, I discovered that excel can be very beneficial for teachers, especially when it comes to making schedules, using it for a register or even as an evaluation tool. I never really thought about it but excel can also be used to make a grade book and with the function feature that's within it, excel can tally up the averages of your students' grades for you. I thought that was really cool. Students can probably use it as well for keeping track of the classes and subjects they have and at what time by making their own schedules and could probably use it for presentations especially when they want to show the difference between something or classifying things. There are so many things it can be used for, it's filled with rows and columns and very helpful features.
Now everyone knows about word. I only just now discovered though how to make a pdf. file. It's a little embarrassing but I never actually thought that pdf files were created in Microsoft word. With the aid of the teacher I was able to create my own about my learning style. I think it looks really nice with its border and everything. Things like this could be used as illustration in the classroom when you want to creatively bring across a topic that will interest the students. Microsoft word can be used for many other things, like making posters, charts, even graphs. What was interesting was the fact that when you want to create a graph in Microsft word, it will help you to create the graph by pulling up excel and the values you'd like to display within your graph is shown. When you change the value it changes the graph. This benefits teachers and students alike so they wouldn't have to rely only on markers, paper or manila alone. Using Microsoft word really does help make your presentations easier.
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